Ok, so I missed blogging the winter months completely. But hey, all I can say is it's because I have good reason! So let me up date ya all a bit as to what is going on in our lives. (don't get to excited... there isn't any pictures)
We are pregnant! 'Little Buddy' will be joining us the end of July. That is the main reason I haven't blogged. I have had a really rough few months. Not only the nausea throwing up bit, but my back has been a lot worse with this pregnancy. So bad that I have had to rely on family a lot to take care of me and Breanne.
Darren has started his Masters program with Western Governors University and is working hard to stay caught up. He is shooting to be done in 18 months so.
We sold our home in 8 days and have to be out by the end of the month. (that means like 3 weeks to pack.. and go... where?!?) We have put an offer on a home in Syracuse and are still waiting to hear if it's excepted or not.
Breanne is growing up so fast! She turned 3 in February and is too full of energy for a pregnant mom who can't keep up most of the time. She is excited to move in to a 'big house, with big swing set and have her own room.'
So that is pretty much a wrap as to what's going on with the Jacobson's. Maybe I'll get some pictures posted one of these days!