Monday, June 8, 2009

Six Year's later...

So... It's been 6 years since we've said 'I Do'. And like a roller coaster, there has been lots of ups and downs. But it's been a ride that I have enjoyed, and can't wait for the next turn! I just wanted to give a quick synopsis of the six fun filled years:
-We have been living in our home in Clinton, Utah for 5 of those 6 years.
-We both have our degrees (mine in hospital admin./radiology, and Darren's in Long-term Health Administration.) Darren is thinking about getting his Master's in the near future.
-Darren manages Skyline and Grandview Clinics for Ogden Clinic.
-I am fortunate enough to get to be at home with our sweet Breanne. I only work 2 days a month to keep my license at Mckay Dee Hospital.
-The happiest part (and most stressful) is our Beautiful "not so baby any more" Baby Girl Breanne. She is almost 2 1/2 years old and reminds us of that everyday. We both are crazy about her and love to watch her grow.
-We both look forward to buying a bigger home and adding to our family.. (No this is NOT an announcement!)
-Darren is an elders quorum teacher in our ward and I am the 2nd counselor in the primary. We both enjoy our callings and love our neighborhood.
-We are planning on camping lots this summer and creating many fun memories with our little family.
-We got a new addition to our family at Easter this year... A fluffy white and brown bunny named Bell that Breanne absolutely loves! That makes 2 animals: a beta and a bunny... Plenty for me!
-Breanne loves to go for bike rides with us and take apples to feed any horse that she can see.
-We love living close to family and enjoy doing things with them often.
-So to sum it all up, like all little families things get crazy, but we are loving this time in our lives and can't believe how fast 6 years have gone by! We look forward to 6 more, and 6 more, and 6 more...etc!
-Thanks for reading about us!


The Smith's said...

Cute Picture of you both, I can't beieve that you have been in your home for 5 years~ it seems like yesterday that you guys moved in! How time flys~ The six years has been very good to you both!

Kristin said...

Fun to read Tara! Yeah - 6 years for us too! Crazy huh! We'll have to get together again soon because it's been awhile huh!!